It all started with a holiday trip of Veronika, Bernd and Christoph to Tenerife…
1982 – During our holidays in Puerto de la Cruz we fell in love with the island of Tenerife so that we decided to emigrate here. We opened a television store and repair shop called “KUBO Electrónico”.
1983 – We bought 12000 square meters of land, a cow, a donkey, a dog and a fantastic view to the sea and the mountains, which was named Finca Las Toscas, in La Orotava, above Puerto de la Cruz.
1984 – We moved to Tenerife and installed ourselves at the the Finca Las Toscas, which we made again arable, planted vegetables and flowers.
1987 – We inaugurated a huge satellite dish at the upper part of our finca. We made possible the reception and distribution of German TV for the first time on Tenerife.
1988 – Rainer Pock moved to the island and supported our family business since then.
1989 – 1999 The finca gets greener as plants and trees are growing bigger and bigger. We started to build our first little houses to host family members and good friends who visited us on the island. Furthermore, we build our swimming pool and later a sauna.
2000 – We sold our TV shop “KUBO Electrónico” in Puerto de la Cruz, removed the parabolic antennas on the finca, and transformed our finca into a beautiful and relaxing holiday place.
2002 – We officially opened the Finca Las Toscas to the public and offered our holiday rural houses to everybody. We started with the “Casa Studio“, the “Belair” house, and two holiday apartments, the “Buena Vista alta” and “Buena Vista baja“, at the finca.
2003 – The holiday houses were especially well received. Therefore, we decided to buy a large wooden house, the “Casa Madera“, which was previously located in the forest close to Icod de los Vinos. We dismounted the house and mounted it again on the finca.
2004 – We opened our biggest holiday house, the “Casa Luna“.
2017 – After running now successfully for 15 years our holiday rural houses at the Finca Las Toscas, we can proudly say that we have created a unique relaxing holiday place surrounded by nature, away from the mass tourism, with lots of pleased guests. Our decision to move to Tenerife in 1982 was the best!
2020 – Our Finca las Toscas is in running change and we work every day to make the finca even more beautiful for you. To this end, we have completely rebuilt and renovated our pool area and are constantly adding new fruit-bearing trees and vegetables.
2022 – 20th anniversary at Finca Las Toscas. Our holiday apartments, the “Buena Vista alta” and “Buena Vista baja“, have been renovated extensively.
Also in the future we are looking forward to be there as your host for your vacations or remote-working place in Tenerife.
Our beautiful finca has been maintained, renovated, repaired, loved and lived by our good friend Rainer Pock for decades, who has also been living there for years with his wife Marga and their dog Flecki. Rainer is always there for our guests and also welcomes them. If there should be any questions during the stay he will always be available.
Finca Las Toscas S.L.
Family business of the Kuckein family since 1982
Official tourism accommodation since 2002.
Address: Calle Amapola 16, E-38312 La Orotava, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Telephone: +34 922 33 43 03 / +34 619 11 85 44
Tax number (CIF): ES-B38033122
Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content of this website, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Finca Las Toscas ©2021 All rights reserved.
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